PERSONAL DETAILS Pty DetailsCurrent Pty Name* Current Pty Name Company Registration No* Possible NameName1 Name 2 Name 3 Name 4 Business object Specify all your Directors This section is Name Change only. Add all the directors here that CIPC has registered against your company. Not New ones...Add specify director or click on finished box Specify Director Finished Add DirectorSurnameFirst NameIdno Please Note The Next page is your SPOA. It is laid out to be printer friendly. Please print itSpecial Power of Attorney to change the Name of a Company I / We, the undersigned, being desirous of changing the company name: From: (Current name of company) To: _________________________________________________________ (We will complete this new name of company, once it has been approved) do hereby nominate constitute and appoint: with full power of substitution, to be my lawful attorney and agent in my name, place and stead: To apply for and obtain the reservation of the new name of the company under the Companies Act 71 of 2008, To deliver to the Company and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) the original CoR 15.2 and an approved CoR 9.4 or any other document of form that may be required for the registration of the change of name. To make such amendments, additions or alterations to the CoR Forms and/or such other documents and forms which my said attorney or agent may deem fit or which may be required by CIPC and to initial and sign as may be required. To alter the name if the proposed name is not available, in such a manner as my said attorney or agent may think fit. I also indemnify Swiftreg Pty (2013/111386/07)as well as the individuals to whom I give limited power of attorney, against any claims, loss, damage or liability arising from delay or errors occurring in the registration process. Signed and executed at________ on this the _____day of __________20___ in the presence of the undersigned witness: ______________________________________ ____________________________ {Add Director:19:} (Signature) ______________________________________ ___________________________ (Name of Director) (Signature) ______________________________________ ____________________________ (Name of Director) (Signature) ______________________________________ ____________________________ (Name of Director) (Signature) ______________________________________ ____________________________ (Name of Director) (Signature)